Monday, July 21, 2014

Substitions...or How a Picky Eater Survives

There is a lot I don't like about food.  To be something that I will eat, it has to pass the eye test, the smell test, the taste test and the texture test.   What does that even mean?

If it doesn't look good, I won't eat it. 
If it doesn't smell good, I won't eat it.
If it doesn't taste good, I won't eat it.

If it passes all the other tests but has a weird texture... I won't eat it.  This happens to me more than I'll admit.  I won't eat something that TASTES GOOD because it just feels weird in my mouth.

Ahh, the world of a picky eater.

So my super best friend in the whole world when cooking is the list of common ingredient substitutes.

It gives me the opportunity to substitute something I despise (looking at you mayonnaise) with something I only generally dislike (yogurt, sour cream...welcome to the party). I can not bring myself to use mayonnaise in a recipe, no matter how many times I'm assured I "can't taste it" (I can).  I had to use some on a sandwich I was making for my not-at-all-picky husband and it got on my finger.  OH.MY.GOD.  We had a four alarm crisis in my kitchen.  I alternated between trying to get it off as quickly as possible before it soaked in to my skin and contaminated my dreams and dry heaving.  Literal dry heaving.  It seemed like everywhere I looked, there was mayo crawling across my skin, trying to pull me down to Mayo Hell.  How did my husband respond?

He laughed.  Then he looked at me in disgust as I couldn't stop gagging.  Then he sighed and wiped off the tip of my finger and stepped back as I rushed to the sink to wipe the taint off my hand.


Anyway, substitutions are great for those deadly ingredients you just can't bring yourself to work with, or if you run out of an ingredient and don't figure it out until halfway through prepping a meal (guilty).


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